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Bp Machine

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To measure blood pressure, a doctor uses a device called a sphygmomanometer or blood pressure cuff. This cuff is placed around the upper arm and inflated to temporarily stop blood flow in the artery. As the cuff is slowly deflated, the doctor uses a stethoscope to listen for sounds of blood pumping through the artery. These sounds are recorded on a gauge attached to the cuff. The first sound heard is the systolic...

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To measure blood pressure, a doctor uses a device called a sphygmomanometer or blood pressure cuff. This cuff is placed around the upper arm and inflated to temporarily stop blood flow in the artery. As the cuff is slowly deflated, the doctor uses a stethoscope to listen for sounds of blood pumping through the artery. These sounds are recorded on a gauge attached to the cuff. The first sound heard is the systolic pressure, and the last sound is the diastolic pressure, providing important information about a person's cardiovascular health.

How Digital Blood Pressure Monitors works?

Measuring blood pressure traditionally involves the auscultatory technique, using a stethoscope and cuff connected to a manometer. The cuff is inflated, cutting off blood flow, and then slowly released, listening for Korotkoff sounds to determine systolic and diastolic pressures. However, automatic blood pressure monitors, prevalent in hospitals and homes, use vibrations or oscillations of the vascular wall to detect pressure changes. These devices calculate mean arterial pressure (MAP), offering a reliable measure. Although algorithms can derive systolic and diastolic pressures, variations exist among devices and manufacturers. Regular blood pressure checks are crucial for detecting and managing arterial hypertension, a common health concern with potential serious consequences if left untreated. Early detection allows for effective interventions, including lifestyle changes and medication, to prevent complications.

How to use a BP Monitors:

To measure your child's blood pressure using a digital device:

Prepare the Arm: Ensure your child rests their arm, palm facing up, at heart level, and keep it still.

Cuff Placement:

  • Place the cuff on a bare arm with the bottom edge about 1 inch above the elbow bend.
  • Find the symbol or arrow on the cuff to position it correctly over the artery.
  • Wrap the cuff snugly, ensuring the tubes hang freely toward your child's body.

Turning On the Device: Press the On/Off/Memory button to turn on the device.

For a Semi-Automatic Device:

  • Ensure no air is in the cuff before putting it on. Release any air using the air release button.
  • Squeeze the bulb quickly to inflate the cuff to a level at least 30 points above the expected systolic pressure.
  • The machine will beep when inflated enough. Release the air using the air release button and let your child relax.
  • As the device deflates, numbers will change, a flashing arrow will point down, and a heart symbol will flash with each heartbeat.
  • The display will show systolic and diastolic pressures and heart rate when done.

For an Automatic...